Friday 6 June 2014

Wider aim...

I have, to date, tried to keep this blog to my political musing.  I thought that my purpose was better served by separating the various parts of my psyche and sharing my thoughts only on discrete issues.  The result, however, has been for me to fail to convey any cohesive sense of who I am, or what influences my thought processes.

And so, this post marks the end of that demarcation. It also serves to demarcate the end of my strict reliance on proof.  It's a blog - it's my opinion.  Disagree if you will - I welcome that, but as long as my original thoughts are based in logic and I know that I can support them - then challenge away!  Fight me - I welcome that, I encourage that - I want to convince you, and I want you to convince me (I'm under no illusion that I'm right - I want to be proved wrong)...

Here we go!

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