Friday 28 June 2013

Thank you Julia

Dear Julia,

I just wanted to say that I think you did an amazing job!  I'm sorry to see you go - but unfortunately it had to be.

I have to admit that I was a bit surprised that some of the commentators were suggesting that it was a sad way to see Australia's first female PM disposed - but given the way that you got the job in the first place, I think they missed the point entirely!  It was no sadder to see an elected male prime minister go in the same way, and to suggest otherwise is sexist in itself. 

You are right though - the fact that you are a woman was a huge issue.  I loved 'the misogyny speech' - you hit the nail square on the head.  It was absolutely appalling for Mr Abbott to use those words in the context that he did, and you were right to call him on it.  Even in some of the commentary surrounding that speech people were using language like "shrill" and "histrionic" to describe it, without actually realising that these words themselves would not have been used if you had been male.  

I also shed a tear when I heard Rob Oakeshott's valedictory speech - and he was right - your father would have been so proud of you.  Whilst I can't speak for the female population of Australia - this Australian woman is proud of you.  And you were right too - it will be easier for those who come after you, and I thank you on behalf of myself, and my unborn daughter.

I hope history will be kind to you.  I don't think anyone else could have lead Australia through this minority government.  We had such a wonderful opportunity for every Australian to have their points of views debated and heard, but the Liberal Party's 3 year long 'dummy spit' saw us squander that opportunity.  Even faced with that constant negativity, and the bulk of the mainstream media against you, you stood firm and pushed us forward.

So - good job, and thank you.
