Friday 31 May 2013

Racism in Australia

Yesterday I had lunch with six highly educated professionals in a flashy restaurant overlooking the Brisbane River. 

At one stage during the afternoon, the conversation turned to this week's controversy surrounding the comments made to and about Adam Goodes.

To my absolute dismay, the majority of the group could not understand why "ape" was a racist slur.   Their comments equated with some of the recurring themes from the week, for example "I've been called an ape before and I'm white so what's the big deal" and also "Goodes is supposed to be a big tough footballer but he couldn't take one little word from a little girl".

A 13 year old girl might not have known any better, and Eddie Maguire was just plain stupid to say what he did, but I had expected better from this group of people.  I had assumed that the ones who didn't get it were either stupid or wilfully ignorant (possibly both).  On the whole, I thought that this was a good opportunity to educate them about the errors of their ways.

But now I'm really worried.  I knew the people I had lunch with, I knew they were highly intelligent (or at least I had previously thought them to be) and I knew they were all educated to a post-graduate level. Surely, at some stage in the 20 odd years that they spent being educated, somebody, somewhere, must have taught them about racism, or at least about the history of the treatment indigenous Australians.  Apparently not.

Australia - we desperately need to have a conversation about racism (and also the state of our education system).  We obviously need to talk about what constitutes racism - because it seems that we can't even recognise it when it is staring us in the face.  We have to keep talking about this and we have to educate those who do not understand.

To all those who have been hurt and offended by racism in Australia - I offer my apologies on behalf of my community, I am sorry, and I am ashamed.

Finally, as it would unfortunately seem that it IS necessary to explain why 'ape' is a racial slur, here it is... Historically, society viewed indigenous people (really anyone with dark skin) as sub-human, that is, not fully evolved.  This misguided belief was used to justify stealing their lands, and their children - not to mention genocide and so much more.

When viewed in that context, don't you think that indigenous Australians have a right to be upset at that word in particular?   When Adam Goodes heard someone yell that word at him, wasn't it reasonable for him to draw the conclusion that whoever had said it was not just referring to his physical appearance but alluding to a whole lot more?  The fact that it turned out to be a 13 year old girl demonstrates how necessary it is for us as a society to discuss racism in Australia.

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Miscellaneous Musings

First post.  A test.

I eventually plan to write articles and comment on politics and current affairs.  I'm sure no-one will ever read my crazy musings, but it's hard to remain silent when the world is going to hell in a handbasket...